Good oral dental health starts at an early age. The earlier you instill good dental hygienic habits in your kids, the better. Show your kids that practicing good oral health is important and can be fun by practicing good oral health yourself. Do as I say, and as I do!
Be sure to take your children to the dentist regularly (usually every six months or as directed by your dentist) for routine cleanings and check-ups. This is not only good for the mouth, but the psyche, as kids can build a comfort level with their dentist as a result of routine visits. Getting to know your Dentist makes he or she less a of stranger and more of a friend. -- A friend who makes you smile and keeps your smile clean.
Always be sure to ask your children if they brushed their teeth before they leave for school and when they are getting ready for bed. Brushing with your kids is also a great idea. Teach your children the importance of flossing too.Just as brushing is important in preventing cavities, flossing is equally important for in-between the teeth. Flossing also helps to prevent gum disease, which can contribute to health complications later in life.
We aren't just your dentist, we're your friend and the keeper of your smile. If you live in the Bloomingdale, Wheaton, and Carol Stream areas, contact Blackman and Bliss DDS at 630-260-0333 or online at to make an appointment.
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